Freitag, 5. Juni 2020


Bildkarten aus einem Rommé-Spiel (?) Laut Internetangebot von ASS
    Stan Laurel Lon Chaney Oliver Hardy Groucho Marx Carole Lombard W C Fields Shirley Temple Errol Flynn Marilyn Monroe Charles Laughton Vivien Leigh Orson Welles Ingrid Bergman Humphrey Bogart Barbara Stanwyck Peter Lorre Clara Bow John Wayne Rita Hayworth Marlon Brando Bette Davis James Cagney Greta Garbo Boris Karloff Joan Crawford Clark Gable Mae West Edward G Robinson Marlene Dietrich Spencer Tracy Katharine Hepburn Cary Grant Gloria Swanson Fred Astaire Jean Harlow Gary Cooper

A note from our librarian:
The informations may not be complete.
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